The handbags Vive la Difference boast a refinement in the details of the shapes and designs as well as resistant stitching.
All women know how important it is to have an organized bag that never betrays in time of need and Vive la Difference handbags are an essential accessory designed specifically to not waste your time. Their particular structure, shapes and distinctive handles make it an iconic model, which resists the rapid succession of fashions. A true classic that Vive la Difference has interpreted under the banner of its peculiar, decisive, feminine and always unique aesthetic . But the charm of handbags does not stop at aesthetics. In fact, each model has useful internal pockets and can be accompanied by a comfortable shoulder strap that makes the bag even more versatile and practical.
The fantasy of colors, sizes and styles is deliberately wide to allow every woman to find the model that best suits her tastes and needs.
€390,00€312,00 -
€495,00€396,00 -
€450,00€360,00 -
€495,00€396,00 -
€475,00€380,00 -
€460,00€368,00 -
€495,00€396,00 -
€398,00€278,60 -
€398,00€278,60 -
€480,00€250,00 -
€435,00€298,00 -
€468,00€280,00 -
€460,00€322,00 -
€298,00€110,00 -
€298,00€110,00 -
€298,00€110,00 -
€298,00€208,60 -